Friday, February 15, 2008

More Press.......and a little surprise

I've been very fortunate to receive my share, and maybe a little more, of press.....the free variety. Back on December 15 of last year (2007), Nichole Reber wrote a very nice article about me and what I do for Style Home Magazine, which is part of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Most people that read the article indicated that it was the best so far and I'd have to agree. Nicole did a really nice job, as usual. You can click HERE to go to the press page on my web site and then from there go to the full article......Thank you Nichole and thanks to Lisa McQuaid, the art director who called for more info and photos. Nice job.

Now for the surprise. For the last few weeks, I've been updating my web site, which I hadn't done for a couple years. I'm almost done with it so check it out....
Anyway, I Googled my own name and found myself linked to (or is it from?) a site called (don't go there...yet) And it was there that you got sent to HGTV's website where they now have the video I did for their Modern Master's TV show several years ago.'s no longer there:-) My guess is that either HGTV or High Noon Productions, the production company that created my video, made them remove it.....

However, my video IS on the HGTV web site. So you can go to my Press page HERE and simply click on the Modern Master's logo. Below is a screen capture of me lying on the very clean and newly painted floor of my studio while they were taping. It doesn't look near that good right now.